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Welcome to Tradebit CenterWelcome to Tradebit Center Tradebit Center is securely held company and focussing on digital goods and online promotions. We are 100% truly Internet-driven.

Alternate traffic sources to increase sales

Tradebit got hit by the “Panda update” – not too bad, but sales dropped around 10% on February 23rd, recovered until the beginning of May, got another hit early this month and is now back on 95% of pre-23rd February levels.
Now while our Google based “natural search traffic” is still down, we discovered alternative traffic sources for our merchants on tradebit. An important part is played by the affiliates. Merchants, who do offer high affiliate rates, see constant traffic numbers from their partners.
We also see now a significant amount of shares and likes on Facebook and the traffic from Bing is also higher than ever before. To sum it up: do not rely on us solely to bring you sales to your products. We do our best. We buy AdSense, we buy with Microsoft AdCenter and we do Facebook Ads. Yet, the best merchants on here have diversified their efforts years ago. I blogged about YouTube several times. In order to become a successful download seller, you have to add some efforts from your side to the equation. We have a bunch of examples with the new widget page online.
The key to download sales success is a combination of efforts.


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File Hosting / Sell Downloads