Greetings Tradebit Followers
As soon as the dust settled from the platform relaunch at the beginning of September, the Tradebit team began working towards the next improvement milestone – the creation of catalog verticals.
Those of you who have spent some time browsing around the Tradebit catalog will know by now how full it is, and this sometimes makes it difficult to locate specific products quickly. We believe the new interface improves navigation significantly, but much more needs to be done to logically divide download topics and prioritize the relevant titles to the top of the pile. To this end, the concept of download “verticals” was devised – virtual worlds for the most popular and important topics, containing hand-picked products from the catalog, and supported by related content and other resources.
We began with four sub-categories from the Software Downloads topic –Video, Audio, Graphics and Security - and added these important sub-categories to the left-hand navigation, populated with tried and tested items from the Tradebit catalog. Each sub-category contains a number of related download sections. Currently, these “prototype verticals” (as we are calling them internally) are merely functional, in that they are highly specific and contain the best download collections of each type.
Over the next few weeks, however, you will start to witness big changes to these four sub-categories as we transform the verticals within into complete worlds – containing not just the best products the Tradebit catalog has to offer, but everything else need to get started on a particular topic. We plan to cram each vertical with informative video and textual content, related links, reviews, help and how-to articles and much, much more besides.
The first vertical being prepared for launch is Video Editing. The structure has already been built and we are currently finishing off the first round of content with which to populate it (more will follow post-launch, and we intend to regularly refresh both catalog and content for all the verticals on a regular basis to keep them relevant and avoid stagnation).
For buyers, the verticals make it much easier to find the very best products on offer for any given specific topic, without resorting to the search facility, and the additional content will provide support and guidance on selecting and using the available products. We will hand-pick and feature top downloads based on quality, which has clear rewards for those Tradebit merchants selling premium titles.
Of course, we constantly need fresh high-quality titles for the catalog and any video-editing applications that are uploaded over the next few days will be assessed and ranked on the new Video Editing vertical. The very best products will be featured as top downloads, reviewed by the product team or perhaps even have additional supporting content written for them. So keep uploading, and remember the focus right now is on Video Editing, which is due to go live next week. The second vertical will be announced shortly afterward.
Stay tune here!
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